Chimney in winter

Winters are hard on chimneys

Posted Mar 02, 2022 in Chimneys

This Chica­go win­ters have no short­age of freez­ing and thaw­ing cycles, snow on rooftops, and result­ing dam­age to chim­neys. Yet many peo­ple over­look the need for main­te­nance of their chim­neys. Expand­ing and con­tract­ing of the chim­ney caused by weath­er con­di­tions result in gaps, cracks, and crum­bling mor­tar. If these mois­ture issues aren’t addressed, using the fire­place and chim­ney could become a haz­ard. It is impor­tant to keep up with win­ter chim­ney care each year. The mor­tar joints of brick and mor­tar chim­neys can erode when water seeps into them, and this weak­ens the bricks.

All parts of the chim­ney can be dam­aged by water, includ­ing con­crete, flue tile, con­crete blocks, steel, and cast iron. Anoth­er com­mon­ly over­looked win­ter chim­ney care issue is that water mixed with cre­osote in a chim­ney can cre­ate a very bad odor which can leak into the home.

There are many neg­a­tive con­se­quences to a dam­aged chim­ney. It’s impor­tant to get the help of a pro­fes­sion­al chim­ney sweep at least once annu­al­ly to check and see whether dam­age caused by mois­ture has occurred.

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