
Chimney Cleaning

Chimney Cleaning

Are you get­ting a stinky odor from your fire­place? Is there a black tar-like sub­stance in and around the fire­place? Is smoke back­ing up into the room? Its prob­a­bly time to have your chim­ney cleaned and inspect­ed by a pro­fes­sion­al! We will clean out all the harm­ful cre­osote from the chim­ney and leave your room look­ing exact­ly how it did when we arrived. When­ev­er Safe­way cleans a chim­ney, we also per­form a 22-point inspec­tion and video scan. We pride our­selves in pro­vid­ing piece of mind to our cus­tomers by address­ing any and all of their concerns.

How often should I have my fire­place cleaned?

  • Annu­al­ly or when you’ve had more than 30 fires since the last time you had it cleaned.
  • If you’ve recent­ly pur­chased a home or are plan­ning too.

How do you clean the chimney?

We first bring in all of our equip­ment and tarp off the entire area around the fire­place with drop cloths rat­ed for fine par­tic­u­lates. We begin by roto-sweep­ing the walls of your fire­place and chim­ney from the fire­box up. All the dust, debris, and aller­gens will fall into the fire­place and be con­tained by a HEPA vac­u­um which is spe­cial­ly designed for the job. Hav­ing a pro­fes­sion­al with the right equip­ment ser­vice your sys­tem is impor­tant to ensure a safe and effec­tive clean­ing process.

How often should I have my chim­ney inspected?

  • Annu­al­ly
  • Before a new appli­ance is installed into the chim­ney. (Fur­nace, Water Heater, Boil­er, Gas Logs, or Fire­place insert)
  • Before pur­chas­ing a home 
  • Imme­di­ate­ly after hav­ing a flue fire
  • When­ev­er you notice soot or black stain­ing in or around the fire­place and chimney. 

Chim­ney block­ages can cause tox­ic fumes such as car­bon monox­ide to enter the res­i­dence. Safe­way Chim­ney Sweeps com­pletes all chim­ney inspec­tions in accor­dance with a lev­el 2 inspec­tion. This involves check­ing any acces­si­ble areas of the sys­tem and per­form­ing a video scan. We pro­vide a cer­tifi­cate of our 22-point inspec­tion detail­ing the dif­fer­ent areas of your chim­ney, plus we high­light any prob­lems you may want fixed. Our cer­ti­fied tech­ni­cians are pre­pared to resolve all issues found dur­ing the inspec­tion so your sys­tem can be brought up to standard.

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Fireplace wood
Jones White Fireplace

All Work is Performed by Licensed & Certified Technicians, fully insured and trained in the most up to date practices.

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