Chimney waterproofing

Waterproofing your chimney

Posted Mar 02, 2022 in Chimneys

Mate­ri­als used to con­struct a mason­ry chim­ney are usu­al­ly porous and can absorb large amounts of mois­ture. Water­proof­ing mate­ri­als are avail­able which allow the chim­ney to breathe and yet pre­vent water from enter­ing from the out­side. Apply­ing water­proof­ing should only be done to a unit that is sound; any repairs that are need­ed should be made before apply­ing the water­proof­ing agents. If need­ed, the chimney’s exte­ri­or should also be cleaned pri­or to application.

A chim­ney cap can keep weath­er and ani­mals out of your chim­ney all year round.

Install a Chim­ney Cap

The most inex­pen­sive and com­mon sense approach to mois­ture pre­ven­tion in a chim­ney is the instal­la­tion of a chim­ney cap. It only makes sense to install a chim­ney cap, since large amounts of water can enter the chim­ney with­out one.

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