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Three Essential Chimney Maintenance Tips for the Summer

Posted Jul 10, 2024 in Chimneys

Sum­mer is the per­fect time to give your chim­ney the atten­tion it needs. While it might not be top of mind dur­ing the warm months, tak­ing care of your chim­ney now ensures it’s ready for use when the cold­er weath­er arrives. Here are three essen­tial chim­ney main­te­nance tips to keep in mind this summer:

1. Sched­ule a Pro­fes­sion­al Inspection

One of the most impor­tant steps in chim­ney main­te­nance is sched­ul­ing a pro­fes­sion­al inspec­tion. A cer­ti­fied chim­ney sweep can iden­ti­fy any issues that might not be vis­i­ble to the untrained eye, such as cracks, block­ages, or struc­tur­al dam­age. An inspec­tion can also help detect cre­osote buildup, which can be a fire haz­ard if not addressed. Reg­u­lar inspec­tions ensure your chim­ney remains safe and functional.

2. Clean Out Cre­osote and Debris

Over time, cre­osote and oth­er debris can accu­mu­late inside your chim­ney. Cre­osote is a flam­ma­ble sub­stance that forms when wood burns, and it can lead to chim­ney fires if not removed. Addi­tion­al­ly, debris such as leaves, twigs, or even bird nests can block the chim­ney, pre­vent­ing prop­er ven­ti­la­tion. Sum­mer is an ide­al time to clean your chim­ney thor­ough­ly and hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al is always a safe bet.

3. Check and Repair Chim­ney Cap and Flashing

The chim­ney cap and flash­ing play cru­cial roles in pro­tect­ing your chim­ney from water dam­age. The cap pre­vents rain, ani­mals, and debris from enter­ing the chim­ney, while the flash­ing seals the space between the chim­ney and roof, pre­vent­ing leaks. Over time, these com­po­nents can become dam­aged or worn. Inspect the chim­ney cap for any signs of rust, cracks, or oth­er dam­age, and ensure it is secure­ly attached. Sim­i­lar­ly, check the flash­ing for any gaps, rust, or dete­ri­o­ra­tion, and repair or replace it as needed.

By tak­ing these steps dur­ing the sum­mer, you can ensure your chim­ney is in opti­mal con­di­tion when you need it most. Reg­u­lar main­te­nance not only enhances safe­ty but also pro­longs the life of your chim­ney, giv­ing you peace of mind and warmth for many win­ters to come. 

Con­tact us to sched­ule your chim­ney inspec­tion today!

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