On roof

Sweep Chimney Cleaning Off Your To-do List

Posted Jul 21, 2022 in Chimneys

Many home­own­ers wait until the end of Novem­ber or begin­ning of Decem­ber before they call to get their chim­ney cleaned. That can lead to an over­whelm­ing num­ber of cus­tomers request­ing the same ser­vice at the same time, which caus­es longer wait times for every­one. Beat the win­ter rush and save a lit­tle mon­ey while you’re at it with our dis­count. Sum­mer is the per­fect time for out­side chores, and that should include your chim­ney. It’s sup­posed to be cleaned at least once a year any­way, so why not get it out of the way now?

Warmer months are the best time for clean­ing. The debris and soot that builds up in your chim­ney becomes a lit­tle dry­er from the heat, allow­ing it to be eas­i­ly removed. And when our tech­ni­cians don’t have to deal with wet and icy roofs, it makes the whole process smoother and more com­fort­able for every­one involved. It’s a win-win situation.

The most impor­tant part of the clean­ing process is the inspec­tion. We check the out­side of your chim­ney and do a video scan of the inside. This allows us to find any cracks, leaks, or oth­er issues that need imme­di­ate attention.

Fam­i­lies enjoy their fire­places. They keep the house warm, they’re a cozy gath­er­ing place on cold nights, and are great for a roman­tic evening. But not tak­ing care of your fire­place and chim­ney can be dan­ger­ous for you and your fam­i­ly. Uncleaned and unkept chim­neys are the lead­ing cause of home heat­ing fires. By get­ting your chim­ney cleaned and inspect­ed in the sum­mer, you’ll make sure that your fam­i­ly will be able to safe­ly enjoy a nice warm fire when that first Chica­go cold front hits.

So, light that fire! Call us today to set up an appointment.

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